5.18 Family Experience Resources

ONE small step - Week 3

Astronaut Neil Armstrong once said landing on the moon was “one small step for man.” The biggest adventures start in such a simple way — especially when it comes to space! Asteroids, distant planets, and brand new galaxies await us once we leave earth’s atmosphere. Being the first to explore such uncharted territory can be intimidating. In this four-week series, our families will take a look at the Book of Acts to learn from the first Christians. Through their stories of faith and bravery, our kids will learn how to take the first step of believing in Jesus, the next step of praying for others, and an even bigger step of trusting the Holy Spirit makes us brave. But they won’t want to skip the last step of telling others about Jesus.

BIG IDEA: Take a big step — the Holy Spirit makes us brave.

BIBLE: Acts 6, 7:54–59; Acts 2:1–21



Elementary: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalms 19:1 (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "God's creation shows his power." Hebrews 13:8



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Every Move I Make, and Step by Step



  • Show a video about space suits (like this). For more information on how to legally use copyrighted material for educational purposes, read this!

  • Space suits are necessary for astronauts to complete their mission in space. It protects them, supplies them with oxygen, and keeps them from overheating. Without their space suits, astronauts could not survive in outer space! 

  • Just like space explorers need space suits to complete their missions, we need the Holy Spirit in our lives to help us complete our mission on Earth. What is our mission? To tell others about Jesus, just like Stephen did!

  • Stephen had the Holy Spirit who gave him words to speak to others about Jesus. The Holy Spirit in our lives will help us make good decisions, show us how we can love people better, and give us words to say in order to spread the exciting news about God's love!

  • Sometimes we can feel worried or scared about sharing Jesus with our friends, but just like Stephen did, we can take a big step — the Holy Spirit makes us brave!

Pray: God, thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to be with us as we take big steps in following Jesus. Please make us brave so we can share the good news with others. We want the whole world to know you! Amen.




    • What qualities did the chosen seven, including Stephen, have? They were full of the Spirit and wisdom.

    • Why was Stephen brought before the Sanhedrin? Because people made up lies that Stephen was making false statements against Moses and God.

    • What did Stephen pray while the people were throwing stones at him? For God to forgive the crowd, to not hold their sin against them.

    • Read Acts 2:2–4. What happened when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit? They were able to speak in other languages.


    • What does being brave look and feel like to you? 

    • What can you ask the Holy Spirit to help you be brave with?

    • How can you help someone take their big step in allowing the Holy Spirit to make them brave for Jesus? 

5.11 Family Experience Resources

ONE small step - Week 2

Astronaut Neil Armstrong once said landing on the moon was “one small step for man.” The biggest adventures start in such a simple way — especially when it comes to space! Asteroids, distant planets, and brand new galaxies await us once we leave earth’s atmosphere. Being the first to explore such uncharted territory can be intimidating. In this four-week series, our families will take a look at the Book of Acts to learn from the first Christians. Through their stories of faith and bravery, our kids will learn how to take the first step of believing in Jesus, the next step of praying for others, and an even bigger step of trusting the Holy Spirit makes us brave. But they won’t want to skip the last step of telling others about Jesus.

BIG IDEA: Take another step — pray for others.

BIBLE: Acts 3; John 17:6–19



Elementary: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalms 19:1 (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "God's creation shows his power." Hebrews 13:8



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Every Move I Make, and Step by Step



  • Play a video like this one (if you're short on time, show until 2:20) of Felix Baumgartner's space dive. For more information on how to legally use copyrighted material for educational purposes, read this!

  • Felix is a skydiver and base jumper. That usually means jumping out of an airplane or a really tall building but this time, he jumped from space! 

  • As he traveled back to Earth, he started to go so fast that he spun out of control. His friends and family were watching closely as he pulled through that rough patch and regained control. 

  • When loved ones go through tough times, it seems like all we can do is just watch and hope for the best. I'm sure that's what Peter and John thought at first when they had no money to help the man at the temple gate. But just like they realized right away, there is something we can do. We can pray. You can pray silently, out loud, by yourself, or with a group. Talking to God on behalf of others is a way we can show we care and trust God to show up! Any time you can, take another step — pray for others. 

Pray: God, thank you for listening to us every time we pray. Help us to see people where we live, learn, and play who may need help that only you can give. Give us the opportunity to pray for people and watch you do amazing things! Amen.




    • Why were Peter and John going to the temple? To pray.

    • What did Peter and John do for the man at the temple gate? They called on the name of Jesus so that he could walk.

    • Read Acts 3:16. How was the man able to walk? By faith in the name of Jesus.

    • Read John 17:15. What did Jesus pray for? That God would protect his disciples.


    • Why do you think we should pray for others? 

    • Designate a time every day that you can set aside to pray for someone else. When would that be? 

    • Name some things you might want to pray about on behalf of others (family, friends, teachers).

5.4 Family Experience Resources

ONE small step - Week 1

Astronaut Neil Armstrong once said landing on the moon was “one small step for man.” The biggest adventures start in such a simple way — especially when it comes to space! Asteroids, distant planets, and brand new galaxies await us once we leave earth’s atmosphere. Being the first to explore such uncharted territory can be intimidating. In this four-week series, our families will take a look at the Book of Acts to learn from the first Christians. Through their stories of faith and bravery, our kids will learn how to take the first step of believing in Jesus, the next step of praying for others, and an even bigger step of trusting the Holy Spirit makes us brave. But they won’t want to skip the last step of telling others about Jesus.

BIG IDEA: Take the first step — believe in Jesus.

BIBLE: Acts 1:1–11; 1 John 5:1–6



Elementary: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalms 19:1 (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "God's creation shows his power." Hebrews 13:8



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Every Move I Make, and Step by Step



  • Play a short clip from a video like this one (0:25-1:33) of the Apollo 11 moonwalk. For more information on how to legally use copyrighted material for educational purposes, read this!

  • The Apollo 11 moonwalk happened in 1969, more than 50 years ago. 

  • Even after seeing the footage for ourselves, it's hard for us to imagine that happening so long ago and so far away! But we can trust those who were there and experienced firsthand what it was like. We can hear it from even more recent sources as the Artemis mission to return to the moon is completed.

  • Jesus walked this Earth, traveling from town to town, teaching everyone about God and how much God loves us. This was thousands of years ago! We weren't there, but we can trust the people who were there and experienced Jesus firsthand. 

  • Take the first step — believe in Jesus. 

Pray: God, thank you for giving us your only son to bring us closer to you. Help each of us to have the courage to take our first step by believing in Jesus. Be with us through the questions and doubts. Guide us as we take the next steps in our new life with you. Amen.




    • What did Jesus tell the disciples would happen when they were filled with the Holy Spirit? They will be witnesses and messengers for Jesus all over the world.

    • What do you think it means to be a witness for Jesus? To tell others about Jesus and everything he has done.

    • What promise were the disciples given after Jesus went up to heaven? That he will come back in the same way.

    • Read 1 John 5:5. How do we overcome the world? What do you think it means to overcome the world? By believing Jesus is the son of God. To not be defeated by the pressures, fears, and worries of life but to hold onto our trust in God.


    • What are some questions you have that would help you believe in Jesus?

    • What is one thing you love about Jesus? 

    • How can you help others take their first step and believe in Jesus?

4.27 Family Experience Resources

Throwback - Week 4

From retro toys to fashion trends, we all love a good throwback. (Especially for grown-ups because it reminds us of being young again.) There are things that remind us of a moment in time, but other things feel timeless and like they’re always in style. In this four-week series, our families will travel through the decades and see that the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels are always trending. As we hear from Jesus, we’ll see it’s always good to be humble, we can always forgive, Jesus is always fair, and love always needs action.

BIG IDEA: Love always needs action.

BIBLE: Luke 16:19–31; 1 John 4:7–21



Elementary: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Jesus stays the same." Hebrews 13:8



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: You Are Everything, and Jesus The Same



Show a funny video of pets (like this one) to your family. 

I know we focused on a lot of things from the 1970's. You might have recognized some of the things and found them to be puzzling. 

But certain things will never go out of style, and one of them is how much we love our pets. For those of you who have a dog, cat, turtle, goldfish, or other kinds of pets, can you imagine if you told your pets you loved them every day but . . . you didn't feed them? Or play with them? 

Like our love for pets, Jesus' teachings are always trending. Jesus taught us that love is more than talk. Love always needs action, and merely thinking about loving others isn't the same as loving them through action!

When are times we might find it difficult to love or show love?

What might be out-of-the-ordinary ways to express our love with action?

Pray: Jesus, thank you for always being the same. You love us so much and you showed us this by coming to earth and dying on the cross. Help us to show our love for you and for the people in our lives — not just with words, but with actions. Amen.



  • How differently did the rich man and Lazarus live? The rich man lived in luxury and wealth, and Lazarus lived at the rich man's gate begging for scraps.

  • Where did Lazarus go after he died? What about the rich man? Lazarus went to be by Abraham's side — a kind of paradise — and the rich man went to Hades — a place of torment.

  • What did the rich man ask Abraham? He asked for a drop of water and to send someone to warn his family.

  • Read 1 John 4:11–12. How can people see God through us? When we love as God loves, people will see God through us.

  • What is one thing we do to show we love God? We can love others through actions.

  • When might it be hard to show love to someone?

  • What are some neat things you can do to show someone you love them?

4.20 Family Experience Resources

Throwback - Week 3

From retro toys to fashion trends, we all love a good throwback. (Especially for grown-ups because it reminds us of being young again.) There are things that remind us of a moment in time, but other things feel timeless and like they’re always in style. In this four-week series, our families will travel through the decades and see that the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels are always trending. As we hear from Jesus, we’ll see it’s always good to be humble, we can always forgive, Jesus is always fair, and love always needs action.

  • BIG IDEA: Jesus is always fair.

    BIBLE: Matthew 20:1–16; John 10:11–18


    Elementary: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)

    Toddler Twist: "Jesus stays the same." Hebrews 13:8



    Preschool- teaching video

    Elementary- teaching video

    SONG: You Are Everything, and Jesus The Same

    DISCIPLE: Read Matthew 20:1-16 aloud to your family, then share a story about a time when you were a kid and you experienced something that felt unfair, such as moving to a new school and struggling to make new friends, not getting the gear or even haircut everyone else had, or feeling left out of a circle of friends. 

    Say: I'm sure you've felt like things were unfair in your life, too. We feel this way when we feel like we got something we didn't deserve (like a scolding) or didn't get something we felt we deserved (like a new toy or gadget).

    In today's Bible story, it might not have seemed fair on the surface that everyone got paid the same even though some worked hard and some hardly worked at all, but it wasn't a story about what people earn and deserve. It's a story about how generous God is. We know this because God gave Jesus to everyone even though none of us earned or deserved him. 

    Everybody has a chance to connect with God and nobody is left out. Jesus is always fair.
    Pray: Jesus, thank you for always being fair. You give everyone an opportunity to know God even though we did nothing to earn this gift. Help us to turn to you when life feels unfair, and help us to show fairness to others the way you do to us. Amen.



    • How much did the landowner agree to pay each worker? One denarius

    • How much did the workers who worked all day and the ones who worked only one hour get paid? They all got paid one denarius each.

    • Do you think the landowner was being fair to the workers? Why or why not?

    • Read John 10:14–16. How is this an example of Jesus being fair? Jesus laid down his life for all "sheep," not just the ones in the "pen" that already know him. Jesus died for everyone.

    • How is Jesus' idea of fairness different than ours?

    • What is the gift Jesus wants to give us, and why can't we earn it?

    • What is one way we can be fair the way Jesus is?


  • Jot down the ones you are willing to try! 

Pray: Jesus, thank you for always forgiving us. We could never pay you back, but we can pay it forward by forgiving others. Instead of holding grudges, we want to practice forgiveness. Show us who we can forgive and how. Amen. 



  • What did the king do for the servant who owed ten thousand bags of gold? The king canceled his debt and let him go.

  • What did the first servant do to his fellow servant who owed one hundred silver coins? He attacked him and sent him to prison.

  • Why did the king hand the first servant over to the jailers? The first servant didn't forgive a fellow servant even though he himself had been forgiven a huge debt.

  • Read 1 John 3:1. How is it possible that we can be called children of God? God loved us and gave us this right. God forgave our sins.

  • Why can we always forgive?

  • What happens when we hold grudges for a long time?

  • Knowing that Jesus forgave us and continues to forgive, what are some things you can do to show forgiveness?


4.13 Family Experience Resources

Throwback - Week 2

From retro toys to fashion trends, we all love a good throwback. (Especially for grown-ups because it reminds us of being young again.) There are things that remind us of a moment in time, but other things feel timeless and like they’re always in style. In this four-week series, our families will travel through the decades and see that the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels are always trending. As we hear from Jesus, we’ll see it’s always good to be humble, we can always forgive, Jesus is always fair, and love always needs action.

BIG IDEA: We can always forgive.

BIBLE: Matthew 18:23–35; 1 John 3:1–7



Elementary: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Jesus stays the same." Hebrews 13:8



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: You Are Everything, and Jesus The Same



Pass out a piece of lined paper and a ballpoint pen to each person in your family. 

Write or draw an emotion you're having when you think about a situation where you had to forgive. Or maybe you haven't forgiven them yet. ASK: Why is it so hard to forgive? 

Now take your pen and cross it out and write today's Big Idea underneath it: We can always forgive. 

The thing that you crossed out isn't completely gone. This gives us a better understanding of what forgiveness might look like. When you forgive someone, it doesn't mean you have to . . .

  • Forget what they did.

  • Agree with what they did. 

  • Let them keep hurting us. If someone continually hurts you, tell a grownup you trust about it.

Only God can forgive perfectly, but we can imitate God by offering grace even though the other person might not fully deserve it. We can let go of our own anger or hard feelings about the other person and not let it bubble up inside of us. Or at the very least, we can choose to not pay them back in the same way.

ASK: What are some things you can do to practice forgiveness? You might choose to . . . 

  • Pray for them. 

  • Not allow their comments or actions to bother you. 

  • Not spread any bad information about that person to others. 

  • Take deep breaths. 

  • Find other ways to spend my time and energy. 

  • Jot down the ones you are willing to try! 

Pray: Jesus, thank you for always forgiving us. We could never pay you back, but we can pay it forward by forgiving others. Instead of holding grudges, we want to practice forgiveness. Show us who we can forgive and how. Amen. 



  • What did the king do for the servant who owed ten thousand bags of gold? The king canceled his debt and let him go.

  • What did the first servant do to his fellow servant who owed one hundred silver coins? He attacked him and sent him to prison.

  • Why did the king hand the first servant over to the jailers? The first servant didn't forgive a fellow servant even though he himself had been forgiven a huge debt.

  • Read 1 John 3:1. How is it possible that we can be called children of God? God loved us and gave us this right. God forgave our sins.

  • Why can we always forgive?

  • What happens when we hold grudges for a long time?

  • Knowing that Jesus forgave us and continues to forgive, what are some things you can do to show forgiveness?


4.6 Family Experience Resources

Throwback - Week 1

From retro toys to fashion trends, we all love a good throwback. (Especially for grown-ups because it reminds us of being young again.) There are things that remind us of a moment in time, but other things feel timeless and like they’re always in style. In this four-week series, our families will travel through the decades and see that the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels are always trending. As we hear from Jesus, we’ll see it’s always good to be humble, we can always forgive, Jesus is always fair, and love always needs action.

BIG IDEA: It’s always good to be humble.

BIBLE: Matthew 7:1–5; John 20:19–31



Elementary: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Jesus stays the same." Hebrews 13:8



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: You Are Everything, and Jesus The Same



Read John 20:19–31 aloud to your family.

Say: So in the 2000's, shades (sunglasses) were a big deal. Do you know what I'm talking about? I'm talking about sunglasses. Check out some of these shades that people used to wear! (show these pictures of different sunglasses from the 2000's)


In addition to wearing shades, people began "throwing shade." Now that definitely didn't mean throwing your super cool sunglasses! "Throwing shade" meant you would talk negatively about someone or something they did, right in front of them. 

In the passage we just read, it's easy for us to throw at least a little shade at Thomas for not believing that Jesus was alive. Jesus was patient, however. Jesus helped Thomas see and believe. 

It's easy to throw shade at other people. It's easy to see what they're doing wrong more than what we're doing wrong. But we're not better than anyone else, not in God's eyes. In God's eyes, in which there is neither speck nor plank, we are loved the same. 

If we follow in the footsteps of Jesus, we can learn to be patient and understanding with others, just as Jesus was with Thomas and still is with us. We can admit we don't always have the answers, and that makes us humble. And it's always good to be humble!

Pray: Jesus, thank you for always being the same. You showed us how to be humble instead of judging others for their mistakes. Teach us how to encourage and lift others up instead of bringing them down. Amen. 



  • What do you think it means to judge others? Why does Jesus tell us not to do this? Judging others means to make decisions about others without having all the information, to point out what others are doing wrong, or to assume the worst in people. Jesus tells us not to because we are all the same in God's eyes.

  • What example did Jesus use to explain how people judge others? He used pointing out a speck of sawdust in someone else's eye when you have a plank in your own eye.

  • What did Jesus mean when he said to take the plank out of your own eye? He meant that you should be aware of your own shortcomings and not point out other people's faults.

  • Read John 20:29. How do you think Thomas felt when he finally saw Jesus after doubting what his friends told him? Do you think he felt humble? How so?

  • What do you think it means to be humble? 

  • Why is it hard to encourage others sometimes?

  • What are some ways you can lift others up, especially when you don’t feel like it?


3.30 Family Experience Resources

Glow in the dark - Week 5

In the dark, a world of neon colors comes to life. Whether it’s the soft green of glow-in-the-dark stars or the bright colors of bioluminescent creatures, light can break through the darkness. When the world needed some light, God sent Jesus because he glows in the dark, and he can teach us how to shine with God’s light, too! In this five-week series through the Gospels, we’ll follow Jesus’ life leading up to Easter to see some of the ways he can shine bright in our lives. As we explore, we’ll see Jesus is the light in the darkness. We’ll also learn how we can choose Jesus and know God hears our cries while celebrating how Jesus died and rose again!

BIG IDEA: Jesus died and rose again!


BIBLE: John 20:1–18; 1 John 1:1–2:2



Elementary: "The Lord is my light and salvation- whom shall I fear?" Psalm 27:1a (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "God is with me- I am not scared." Psalm 27:1



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, and Light of the World 



Read 1 John 1:1–2:2- Then turn out the lights and have your family sit in a half-circle around a lantern or a flashlight facing up. 


Say; Sin is everywhere, just like darkness is everywhere. Anytime we go to a place without light, we are in darkness. Anytime we make choices without God, we are in sin. Sin is choices that hurt us or others, or actions that harm our relationship with God or others.


This passage tells us that when we sin, we walk away from God and instead walk with darkness. (Instruct your family to take one step at a time away from the light.)


Pray: God, thank you so much for always being close to us. Even when we feel far away from you, you are always near. Your love is never-ending and the light we need in dark times. Help us to keep walking in the light of Jesus. We celebrate that Jesus is alive today! Amen.



  • What do you think Mary, Peter, and John expected to see at the tomb? They expected to see Jesus' body laid inside the tomb.

  • What did they see instead? They saw an empty tomb, the stone rolled away, and strips of linen lying there.

  • When did Mary realize that Jesus was alive again? After she saw Jesus in person, she realized he was alive.

  • Read 1 John 1:7. What do you think it means to walk in the light? It means to obey and follow God and to turn to God for forgiveness when we sin.

  • What is something you can do to remind yourself to keep walking in the light rather than giving in to sin?

  • Try telling the Easter story of Jesus in your own words.

  • Who can you share this story with to spread the light of Jesus?

3.23 Family Experience Resources

Glow in the dark - Week 4

In the dark, a world of neon colors comes to life. Whether it’s the soft green of glow-in-the-dark stars or the bright colors of bioluminescent creatures, light can break through the darkness. When the world needed some light, God sent Jesus because he glows in the dark, and he can teach us how to shine with God’s light, too! In this five-week series through the Gospels, we’ll follow Jesus’ life leading up to Easter to see some of the ways he can shine bright in our lives. As we explore, we’ll see Jesus is the light in the darkness. We’ll also learn how we can choose Jesus and know God hears our cries while celebrating how Jesus died and rose again!

BIG IDEA: God hears our cries.


BIBLE: Luke 23:32–49; Psalm 31:9–16



Elementary: "The Lord is my light and salvation- whom shall I fear?" Psalm 27:1a (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "God is with me- I am not scared." Psalm 27:1



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, and Light of the World 



Use your smart phone or computer to look up various emojis. Have your family match the emoji with the feelings below...

  • Angry? 

  • Happy? 

  • Scared? 

  • Tired? 

  • Excited? 

  • Sad?

  • Doubt? 

  • Pain? 


  • God doesn't mind it when we show our emotions, every single one of them. God is always listening to us and wants us to share how we are feeling.

  • When are some times when you might feel these types of emotions? 

  • We were created to have all kinds of emotions. God is with us all the time, when we are happy and when we're sad. And we can go to God with everything. God hears our laughter. God hears our screams. God hears our questions. God hears our yawns. And God hears our cries.

Pray: God, thank you for sending us Jesus, even though that meant letting your own son go through incomparable pain, suffering, and sadness. Because of this, we know you understand the tough things we experience, too. Thank you for hearing us when we cry out to you. Amen.



  • Who cried out to Jesus things like, "Save yourself if you're really the king?" Soldiers, rulers, people watching

  • Who cried out to Jesus, "Remember me when you come into your kingdom?" One of the criminals beside Jesus

  • Who cried out to God, "Into your hands I commit my spirit?" Jesus

  • Psalm 31:14–16. How can you tell the writer of this psalm knew God hears our cries? The verse says things like "I trust in you," "my times are in your hands," and "save me in your unfailing love."

  • When are times that you feel sad, worried, or any other big emotion?

  • What are some words you can use to cry out to God when you are feeling these things?

  • How do you think crying out to God can help when things are tough?


3.16 Family Experience Resources

Glow in the dark - Week 3

In the dark, a world of neon colors comes to life. Whether it’s the soft green of glow-in-the-dark stars or the bright colors of bioluminescent creatures, light can break through the darkness. When the world needed some light, God sent Jesus because he glows in the dark, and he can teach us how to shine with God’s light, too! In this five-week series through the Gospels, we’ll follow Jesus’ life leading up to Easter to see some of the ways he can shine bright in our lives. As we explore, we’ll see Jesus is the light in the darkness. We’ll also learn how we can choose Jesus and know God hears our cries while celebrating how Jesus died and rose again!

BIG IDEA: We can choose Jesus.


BIBLE: Mark 15:1–15; Jeremiah 31:31–34



Elementary: "The Lord is my light and salvation- whom shall I fear?" Psalm 27:1a (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "God is with me- I am not scared." Psalm 27:1



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, and Light of the World 


DISCIPLE: Read Mark 15:1-15 together.

As your kids reflect, switch off the lights or have them cover their eyes with their hands. Prepare an age-appropriate story about a time when you were presented with a choice between Jesus and something else. What happened? Use this time to talk to your kids about how choosing Jesus means accepting his forgiveness and love..


Sometimes it can be challenging to choose Jesus because choosing Jesus could mean you have to let go or put off something else that you really want to do. 

  • Jesus had some hard choices to make while he was on this earth, but he always chose what was best, even though it wasn't always the easiest. He chose God's plans over doing life the easy way. He chose the path of forgiveness even when he had the power to squash the people who hurt him. He chose to die so that we may live. 

  • That's how we know that Jesus is the best choice . . . he knew the right thing to do all the time. Choosing Jesus means first and foremost realizing that Jesus chooses you. It means recognizing that everything Jesus went through — dying and coming back to life — he did that for you so that you can be connected to God. 

  • When we believe in Jesus, his love shines in us and through our actions. We can show the love of Jesus in our actions toward ourselves and others. There are so many ways we can use this light inside of us. It can help us see the best parts of ourselves, and we can shine it on other people when they're in need. This light always reminds us that we are forgiven and we are loved.

  • We can choose Jesus, and I'm glad you did!

Pray: God, we know that sometimes it can be hard to choose Jesus. Instead of listening to what the crowds of life are saying, help us to follow you and choose you first. Thank you for choosing to show your love and forgiveness to us every day. Amen.



  • Who did the religious leaders hand Jesus over to so that he could be put on trial? Pilate

  • What choice did Pilate give to the crowd? The choice was to have Jesus or Barabbas released.

  • Why do you think they made that choice? Possible answers: They went along with what everyone else was saying, they were confused, they didn't really know Jesus, or they were disappointed Jesus was not the king they thought he was.

  • Read Jeremiah 31:33–34. What is the covenant, or promise, God is making with the people (and with us)? They will always be God's people, and God will forgive their sins.

  • Have you ever made a choice that you knew wasn't Jesus' way? What happened?

  • What can you do to remind yourself to choose Jesus the next time you are faced with a similar choice?

  • How can we help each other to choose Jesus?

3.9 Family Experience Resources

Glow in the dark - Week 2

In the dark, a world of neon colors comes to life. Whether it’s the soft green of glow-in-the-dark stars or the bright colors of bioluminescent creatures, light can break through the darkness. When the world needed some light, God sent Jesus because he glows in the dark, and he can teach us how to shine with God’s light, too! In this five-week series through the Gospels, we’ll follow Jesus’ life leading up to Easter to see some of the ways he can shine bright in our lives. As we explore, we’ll see Jesus is the light in the darkness. We’ll also learn how we can choose Jesus and know God hears our cries while celebrating how Jesus died and rose again!

BIG IDEA: Jesus is the light in the darkness.


BIBLE: Mark 14:12–26; John 3:16–21



Elementary: "The Lord is my light and salvation- whom shall I fear?" Psalm 27:1a (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "God is with me- I am not scared." Psalm 27:1



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, and Light of the World 



Show this video (start at 6:37) as a simple object lesson that shows how light flows — it even bends and goes through water. Then have your family try "catching the light" using a similar setup to this video. 

No matter how dark it seems, the light of Jesus shines. Nothing stops the light. 

Can you stop the light? Nope, you can't stop the light.

How does this remind you of the light of Jesus?

Let's all try to catch the light in our hands to remember to hold onto Jesus. Jesus is the light in the darkness. 


Pray: Thank you, God, for sending Jesus. Thank you for his light shining in our lives and reminding each of us that your light is always with us. Even when things seem dark, your light shines bright! Amen.



  • What were Jesus and his disciples doing in today's Bible story? They were sharing a meal for Passover, the Festival of Unleavened Bread.

  • What did Jesus say that was surprising to his disciples? Jesus said that one of the disciples at that table would betray him.

  • What did the bread and the cup mean? They stood for Jesus' body and blood. It was meant as a way for them to remember Jesus after he died.

  • Read John 3:16–17. How did God light up the darkness by sending Jesus? Instead of allowing the world to stay in darkness, God sent Jesus to save the world.

  • When things start to feel dark — when you feel frightened or lost — what do you normally do?

  • What does it mean for Jesus to be your light in any kind of darkness?

  • Who else in your life needs to know about the light of Jesus?

3.2 Family Experience Resources

Glow in the dark - Week 1

In the dark, a world of neon colors comes to life. Whether it’s the soft green of glow-in-the-dark stars or the bright colors of bioluminescent creatures, light can break through the darkness. When the world needed some light, God sent Jesus because he glows in the dark, and he can teach us how to shine with God’s light, too! In this five-week series through the Gospels, we’ll follow Jesus’ life leading up to Easter to see some of the ways he can shine bright in our lives. As we explore, we’ll see Jesus is the light in the darkness. We’ll also learn how we can choose Jesus and know God hears our cries while celebrating how Jesus died and rose again!

BIG IDEA: We can shine God’s light.

BIBLE: John 2:13–22; Matthew 5:14–16



Elementary: "The Lord is my light and salvation- whom shall I fear?" Psalm 27:1a (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God is with me- I am not scared." Psalm 27:1



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, and Light of the World 



Read Matthew 5:14–16 together. Use a flashlight and small handheld mirrors for each family member, to demonstrate light being reflected off each other. 


God has given each one of us a light inside. It helps us stay close to God no matter where we are. We are asked to shine that light and not hide it. 

If this flashlight represents Jesus and the light he gives to us, what good would it be in the darkness if we just turned it off and put it in a drawer somewhere? 

Once I turn it on, it's definitely more useful. But it would shine even brighter if I shared this light with someone else (Point the flashlight at someone's mirror.) and that someone shared it with someone else (Have that person angle their mirror to get the light into another mirror.). 

Let's see how many people we can share this light with. 

All of our little lights shine so brightly that if we were on a hill, people would definitely see us! When they see us, they can follow that light straight to God. Following Jesus makes it possible for us to be a reflection of God's love. That's how we can shine God's light.

Pray: God, thank you for shining your light in our world. Help us to shine your light by reflecting your love and kindness wherever we go. Make us bold so that we may shine that light bright and not hide it. Amen.



  • What did Jesus find in the temple courts? People were selling cattle, sheep, and doves and exchanging money.

  • What did Jesus do about it? He made a whip out of cords and drove the people and animals away. He overturned the tables.

  • Why did these things upset Jesus? They were turning God's house into a market, and they were focused on the wrong things.

  • Read Matthew 5:16. Why should we let our light shine? So that others may see and know God.

  • What is one way you've seen someone shine God's light?

  • What are some things that might get in the way of shining God's light?

  • What is one way you can shine God's light this week?

2.24 Family Experience Resources

Wow! - Week 4

Whether it’s a rocket car powered by soda and mints or a tornado in a water bottle, there’s so much in our world that can fill us with awe. The world of STEM is full of things that look like little miracles, but they’re nothing compared to the miracles God can perform. In this four-week series, our families will take a look at some of the miracles that Jesus performed during his ministry. Through stories showing the power of Jesus, they’ll no doubt go, Wow! Jesus has the power to heal, to calm our fears, to provide, and to save.

BIG IDEA: Wow! Jesus has the power to save.

BIBLE: Matthew 14:22–36; Mark 8:31–38


Elementary: "In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all." 1 Chronicles 29:12b (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God is strong and powerful!" 1 Chronicles 29:12



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Medley of... My God is so Big , The is the Day and Higher Higher 



Read Matthew 14:22-36.

Next, open up Microsoft Word or Google Docs on your computer. Share your screen with your family. Start typing something and "accidentally" close it. In Word, you should be shown a "save" screen and in Docs, your progress will be auto-saved, so you can open it right back up. 

Saving can mean many things, especially in the world of technology. When you're working on an assignment on a computer or trying to beat a level in a video game, you want to save your progress so that your hard work doesn't get erased!

Nowadays, most programs have the option to auto-save or prompt you to save your progress if you accidentally close your screen. All of your work gets stored in the device's memory or the cloud. Wow! 

If Jesus wanted to, he could auto-save all of us, too. Whether it's a sticky situation we have gotten ourselves into or the state of our relationship with God, Jesus could easily swoop in and save us all. But he doesn't do that because Jesus gives us the freedom to choose to be saved. 

Just like how Peter called out to Jesus to be saved when he was sinking in the water, we can call out to Jesus, too. And the minute we do, Jesus will be right there to save us from whatever mess we're in. Wow! Jesus has the power to save!

Pray:  Wow God, you are powerful! Whenever I feel like I'm sinking because I am hurt, scared, or disappointed, you have the power to save me from my pain, fear, and sadness. Thank you also for loving us so much that you showed us the greatest saving power there is through your son Jesus. Amen. 



  • How did the disciples respond when they first saw Jesus walking on water? They were afraid! They thought he was a ghost.

  • What did Peter ask Jesus to do in order for him to step out of the boat? Peter asked Jesus to tell him to come out onto the water, too.

  • Why did Peter begin to sink? He began to doubt and became afraid.

  • Read Mark 8:35. What do you think Jesus means when he says that we will save our life when we lose it? When we live our lives for God rather than for ourselves, we can count on Jesus to save us.

  • What are some things that may cause you to be afraid or to doubt?

  • Why do we need Jesus to save us?

  • Whom can you tell about the power of Jesus to save us?

2.17 Family Experience Resources

Wow! - Week 3

Whether it’s a rocket car powered by soda and mints or a tornado in a water bottle, there’s so much in our world that can fill us with awe. The world of STEM is full of things that look like little miracles, but they’re nothing compared to the miracles God can perform. In this four-week series, our families will take a look at some of the miracles that Jesus performed during his ministry. Through stories showing the power of Jesus, they’ll no doubt go, Wow! Jesus has the power to heal, to calm our fears, to provide, and to save.

BIG IDEA: Wow! Jesus has the power to provide.

BIBLE: John 6:1–15; Psalm 25:1–10


Elementary: "In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all." 1 Chronicles 29:12b (NIV)


Toddler Twist: "God is strong and powerful!" 1 Chronicles 29:12



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Medley of... My God is so Big , The is the Day and Higher Higher 



Have each family member go to the kitchen and find/prepare a small snack to make a family living-room picnic.

Read John 6:1-15

Today, we heard an incredible story about a boy who gave his small lunch to Jesus, and Jesus used that small lunch to provide a meal for thousands of people. Now, let's share a little picnic together!

Just like the little boy in the story, each one in our family has a small item for our little picnic, and now we have this big, beautiful meal to share together! Let's think of how we can extend God's power by helping others. 

Wow! Jesus has the power to provide for us, and we have the power to provide for others! 

Pray:  Wow, Jesus! You have the power to provide everything we need. Thank you for caring about us so much. Amen.



  • What problem needed solving at the beginning of today's story? There were thousands of hungry people who needed food.

  • What food was offered to help meet this need? Five loaves of bread and two fish were offered.

  • What did Jesus do with the little boy's lunch to help feed the crowd? Jesus gave thanks to God and distributed the food. Miraculously, everyone had enough to eat, and there were twelve baskets of leftovers.

  • Read Psalm 25:10. How can we respond to God's love and faithfulness toward us? We can follow God's instructions and keep putting our hope in God.

  • What are some things that God provides? 

  • What are some things that we can ask God to provide? 

  • What does it look like when we have faith that God will provide?

2.10 Family Experience Resources

Wow! - Week 2

Whether it’s a rocket car powered by soda and mints or a tornado in a water bottle, there’s so much in our world that can fill us with awe. The world of STEM is full of things that look like little miracles, but they’re nothing compared to the miracles God can perform. In this four-week series, our families will take a look at some of the miracles that Jesus performed during his ministry. Through stories showing the power of Jesus, they’ll no doubt go, Wow! Jesus has the power to heal, to calm our fears, to provide, and to save.

BIG IDEA: Wow! Jesus has the power to calm our fears.

BIBLE: Luke 8:22–25; Psalm 50:1–6



 Elementary: "In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all." 1 Chronicles 29:12b (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God is strong and powerful!" 1 Chronicles 29:12



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Medley of... My God is so Big , The is the Day and Higher Higher 



You will need white paper, blue and black permanent markers, a small Ziploc bag (that is the same size or larger than the paper), and a clear cup or tub of water. Draw a horizontal squiggly line across the white paper. Then scribble in large waves with a blue marker. Place the paper inside the Ziploc bag. Trace only the black squiggly line onto the bag using the same black marker. When you submerge the bag inside the water, the blue parts will disappear

Next, read Luke 8:22-25.

What color are the waves? Blue. Were the disciples scared of the huge waves? Yes. But look what happens when we put this picture in the water . . . the waves go away, and the waters are calm again. Jesus made the waves settle down, just like in this experiment. Whenever we feel afraid, Jesus will do the same for us. Wow! Jesus has the power to calm our fears.

Pray: Wow, Jesus! You have the power to calm our fears. Help us pray to you when we are afraid. Amen.



  • What was Jesus doing when the storm came? Sleeping.

  • How did Jesus calm the storm? He spoke to it, rebuking the wind and sea.

  • What did Jesus say to his disciples afterwards? What do you think he meant by that? He asked them where their faith was. They might have let their fear cause them to forget that Jesus was with them or what Jesus can do.

  • Read Psalm 50:1. How does this psalm remind you of today's Bible story? Jesus spoke to the storm because he can command all of nature.

  • Whenever you were afraid, what would you do in response to your fear?

  • Now that we know Jesus has the power to calm our fears, what can we do when we face our fears?

  • How can you help others when they are feeling afraid?

2.3 Family Experience Resources

Wow! - Week 1

Whether it’s a rocket car powered by soda and mints or a tornado in a water bottle, there’s so much in our world that can fill us with awe. The world of STEM is full of things that look like little miracles, but they’re nothing compared to the miracles God can perform. In this four-week series, our families will take a look at some of the miracles that Jesus performed during his ministry. Through stories showing the power of Jesus, they’ll no doubt go, Wow! Jesus has the power to heal, to calm our fears, to provide, and to save.

BIG IDEA: Wow! Jesus has the power to heal.

BIBLE: Luke 7:1–10; Mark 1:29–39



Elementary: "In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all." 1 Chronicles 29:12b (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God is strong and powerful!" 1 Chronicles 29:12



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Medley of... My God is so Big , The is the Day and Higher Higher 



Have your family create contraptions that would protect an egg from cracking when dropped from a certain height. You can use supplies like plastic drinking straws, pipe cleaners, tape, string, plastic bags, and anything else you might want to provide. For a less messy option, use hard-boiled eggs or place each raw egg in a sealed plastic bag. 

The force of gravity is powerful, isn't it? Gravity pulls everything down to earth, including your eggs. Some of you might have been successful in protecting your eggs while others of you weren't, even though you tried pretty hard.  

With sickness, it sometimes happens even though we make good, healthy choices. There can be all kinds of sicknesses, from sniffles to more serious kinds in our bodies and our minds. While healing may not always happen — like how your cracked eggs can't become un-cracked again — we can always pray to God and ask for healing. Just like the people in our Bible story, we just might witness that . . . Wow! Jesus has the power to heal. 


Pray: "Wow, God, you are powerful! Help us to have faith in your power to heal not just physical sicknesses, but other kinds of sicknesses, too. We know that you care about us and give us what is good. Amen."



  • Why did the centurion seek out Jesus? His servant was sick and about to die.

  • Why did the centurion tell Jesus not to come to his house to see the servant? He felt he didn't deserve Jesus making the trip to his house. He believed Jesus could say the word and his servant would be healed.

  • How did Jesus respond to this? He was amazed at the centurion's faith. The servant was healed right away.

  • Read Mark 1:38. Why does Jesus say he came to earth? What does that have to do with healing? He said to preach about God. Jesus can heal more than just physical illnesses.

  • Tell about a time that you or someone you know was healed. How do you know that was Jesus?

  • Who are some people in your life that may need healing that you can pray for?

  • How can we hold onto our faith even when healing doesn't happen?

1.27 Family Experience Resources

What Can I Do? - Week 4

What’s your dream job? Do you want to be a pilot or astronaut? A teacher or musician? There are so many incredible jobs for us to pick from! God has given each of us special talents and skills that can help us discover what we want to do. But God gives us another job, too. It’s the chance for us to follow God right now! In this four-week series from the Gospels, we’ll read about Jesus starting out his ministry and how he invited his followers — and us — to listen to God’s voice, trust Jesus knows us, trust God’s plans for us, and include people who aren’t like us.

BIG IDEA:  I can include people who aren’t like me.

BIBLE: Matthew 9:9–13; Psalm 111



Elementary: "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Jesus helps me do everything." Philippians 4:13



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Super Duper Kid and Jesus I Will Trust You


DISCIPLE: Read Psalm 111

What reasons does this psalm say that we should praise God?

Verses 2–3 praise the things God has done.

Verse 4 tells us God is “gracious and compassionate.” That means God forgives and cares about us so much.

Verse 5 reminds us God provides us with the things we need.

Verse 9 says God saves us and keeps promises.


In today’s Bible story of Jesus calling Matthew, we see another reason we should praise God — God loves and includes everybody, even those who are different. God’s love is amazingly big and available to everyone!

Just like Jesus loved and called Matthew, he loves and calls each and every one of us to follow him, no matter how different we might feel. We can include people who aren’t like us, because that’s what Jesus does!


Pray: Jesus, thank you for being a friend to everyone, even people nobody else wanted to include. Teach me to be like you so that I can include people who aren’t like me. Because no matter how different we are, we are all identically loved by you! Amen.



  • What made Matthew unpopular with people in his community? (He was a tax collector.)

  • What did Jesus do that was so shocking to the Pharisees? (He ate with “tax collectors and sinners,” people who were not well-liked and considered outcasts.)

  • Read Matthew 9:12. Why do you think Jesus said this? (Possible answer: He wanted to show he was spending time with the people who needed him most.)

  • Read Psalms 111:4. How can we be gracious and compassionate toward others, like God is to us? (We can include others who aren’t like us!)

  • Do you recall a time when you felt excluded or left out?

  • Can you think of a time when you caused someone else to feel excluded?

  • Why do you think God wants us to include people who are different than us?

1.20 Family Experience Resources

What Can I Do? - Week 3

What’s your dream job? Do you want to be a pilot or astronaut? A teacher or musician? There are so many incredible jobs for us to pick from! God has given each of us special talents and skills that can help us discover what we want to do. But God gives us another job, too. It’s the chance for us to follow God right now! In this four-week series from the Gospels, we’ll read about Jesus starting out his ministry and how he invited his followers — and us — to listen to God’s voice, trust Jesus knows us, trust God’s plans for us, and include people who aren’t like us.

BIG IDEA: I can trust God’s plans for me.

BIBLE: Mark 1:14–20; Psalm 62:5–12



Elementary: "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Jesus helps me do everything." Philippians 4:13



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Super Duper Kid and Jesus I Will Trust You


DISCIPLE: Read Psalm 62:5–12

The psalmist reminds us in this passage who we can trust and also some things that we shouldn’t trust. We trust God, not because we have to, but because God is the one who gives us hope. God has shown us over and over that we are loved, and there is a plan for our lives.

Placing our hope and trust in the wrong things or people can get us into real trouble. When we choose to trust God, we get to experience the beauty of all the ways God takes care of us.

This psalm also reminds us that God is worthy of being trusted because God is our rock, our salvation, and our fortress . . . all really solid, unshakeable things. That goes for God’s plans, too. Remember our Big Idea this week is "I can trust God’s plans for me." 

Pray: God, thank you for having the best plans for us, especially the one where you sent Jesus to this world. Help us to trust everything you have planned for us, even when it’s hard to imagine what they might be. Amen.



  • What did Simon, Andrew, James, and John all have in common? They were fishermen.

  • What did Jesus say to them? To follow Jesus and become fishers of people.

  • How did they respond to Jesus' call? They left everything right away and followed Jesus.

  • Read Psalm 62:6–7. What do these verses remind us of about God? How do those things help us trust God's plans for us? God is our rock, salvation, fortress, mighty rock, and refuge. These verses remind us we can depend on God and trust God's plans.

  • Why do you think it's important to think about the future right now?

  • How is following Jesus part of God's plan for you? How do you know?

  • What are some plans you think God might have (or you hope God has) for you?

1.13 Family Experience Resources

What Can I Do? - Week 2

What’s your dream job? Do you want to be a pilot or astronaut? A teacher or musician? There are so many incredible jobs for us to pick from! God has given each of us special talents and skills that can help us discover what we want to do. But God gives us another job, too. It’s the chance for us to follow God right now! In this four-week series from the Gospels, we’ll read about Jesus starting out his ministry and how he invited his followers — and us — to listen to God’s voice, trust Jesus knows us, trust God’s plans for us, and include people who aren’t like us.

BIG IDEA: I can trust Jesus knows me.

BIBLE: John 1:43–51; Psalm 139:13–18



Elementary: "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Jesus helps me do everything." Philippians 4:13



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Super Duper Kid and Jesus I Will Trust You


DISCIPLE: Read Psalm 139:13–18.

This psalm tells us just how well God knows us. God knew all about us long before we were even born! God knew how tall you would be, what school subjects you’d like best, what kind of personality you’d have, and all of the wonderful and maybe not-so-wonderful things that make you, you.

This psalm tells us we were “fearfully and wonderfully made” . . . which means God put so much love and care into designing each one of us. That’s how God knows you better than anyone else knows you.

God knows what you ate for breakfast today. God knows what you like to do in your free time. God knows what you want to do when you grow up. In fact, God knows what you’re actually going to do when you grow up. God even knows the secret thoughts we never share out loud, and let’s face it, sometimes they’re not kind things. But God knows. God still loves us anyway. And that’s the thing that drew people like Philip, Nathanael, and countless others to Jesus. It’s not just that Jesus knows all these facts about us. But he uses that knowledge to show that he

understands us and loves us. And just like we can trust Jesus knows us, we can do our best to know more about Jesus, too.

Pray: Jesus, thank you for knowing me better than I know myself. Even though you created the world, you still make time to know and love me. Everything you make is special, including me. Please help me to know and love you as much as you know and love me. Amen.



  • What did Phillip say about Jesus to Nathanael? (That he found the one all the prophets had been talking about — Jesus, the Messiah, the Savior.)

  • What did Jesus already know about Nathaniel? (That he was a man without deceit, that he was under a fig tree.)

  • Why do you think this convinced Nathanael that Jesus was the real deal? (Possible response: Jesus knew things nobody could have known unless he was sent by God.)

  • Read Psalm 139:14. How did God make you? What do you think that means? (Fearfully and wonderfully. God made us and designed us with care and purpose and loves us exactly the way we were created.)

  • Have you ever felt like nobody knew you or understood you? What made you feel that way?

  • Can you think of something you want to talk to God about that you might not feel comfortable sharing with anyone else?

  • What is something you can do to know Jesus more?


1.6 Family Experience Resources

WHAT CAN I DO? - Week 1

What’s your dream job? Do you want to be a pilot or astronaut? A teacher or musician? There are so many incredible jobs for us to pick from! God has given each of us special talents and skills that can help us discover what we want to do. But God gives us another job, too. It’s the chance for us to follow God right now! In this four-week series from the Gospels, we’ll read about Jesus starting out his ministry and how he invited his followers — and us — to listen to God’s voice, trust Jesus knows us, trust God’s plans for us, and include people who aren’t like us.

BIG IDEA: I can listen to God’s voice.

BIBLE: Mark 1:4–11; Psalm 29


Elementary: "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "Jesus helps me do everything." Philippians 4:13


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Super Duper Kid and Jesus I Will Trust You



How are some ways you can listen for God’s voice when you are . . .

At church?

At the beach or on a hike?

About to fall asleep?

Just waking up in the morning?

Listening to or playing music?

Drawing or painting a picture?

Playing with your friends?

Helping out at home?


We can hear God’s voice when we do all of these things! No matter where you are or what you’re doing, God is with us and speaking to us. Do you know what else that means? Whatever job you end up having in the future, God will guide you and be with you. How awesome is it to know that you and I can listen to God’s voice anytime, anywhere?


Pray: Thank you, God, for speaking to us in all the ways you do. Help us not only hear your voice but listen and obey it too. Amen.



  • Who was sent to prepare the way for Jesus? (John the Baptist.)

  • Why did Jesus come to see John? (To be baptized.)

  • What did God’s voice say when Jesus was baptized? (“You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”)

  • Read Psalm 29:3–9. What are some ways the psalmist describes the “voice of the Lord”? (It is over the waters, powerful, majestic, breaks the cedars, strikes with flashes of lightning, shakes the desert, twists the oaks, strips the forests bare.)

  • What does it mean to listen to God’s voice?

  • What are some ways that God speaks?

  • Who are the voices you can listen to that help you know what God is saying to you?